
virtual clinic
Learn about common clinical presentations, diagnosis, and management of common otolaryngology conditions through interactive cases .

reference material
Review anatomy, clinical guidelines, surgical procedures, and clinical skills. Test your knowledge with flash cards and the question bank.
about us
Initially developed by a small group at the University of Ottawa, LearnENT has grown to become a collaborative effort consisting of contributions from medical students, residents and faculty from across Canada.
why choose learnent
LearnENT is a universal app. Its like getting two apps for the price of one free. Portable and convenient, LearnENT is always there when you’re ready to learn. LearnENT targets multiple learning styles through the use of traditional written sections, instructional videos, interactive cases, quizzes and more.
Introducing LearnENT, the most convenient way to learn the fundamentals of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck surgery.
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